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FAQ Page

This page is all about questions, definitions, and clarifications about this site! I'll continually be adding to this!


This section is a list of terms and definitions I use on this site. If you discover terms that you don't know, please ask! I'll add it below! 


disability is technically a legal term used to define if someone is physically or mentally limited by a health condition to the extent where they qualify for government benefits.  


Socially, disability is defined as having a physical or mental affliction that interferes with someone's daily life and interferes (sometimes mildly, sometimes extensively) with their normal routine/way of living. 


****Please note - the legal definition doesn't always support the social definition. Someone may still suffer extensively from a disability, but not qualify as "disabled" under the law to receive any help or resources from the government. This is a problematic ableist gap that exacerbates the struggles of disabled peeps. ****


ablism is discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities, auto-immune disorders, chronic illness, and mental health diagnoses.  Ablism can be found in personal interactions, social expectations, and structural institutions. Ablism also intersects with other "-isms", such as racism, sexism, classism, etc.


Peeps is my shorthand for "people." It's gender non-binary, not sexist or racist, and reminds me of those squishy loveable treats around the holidays. I think of people as both wonderfully squishy to hug and delightfully loveable.  For the most part anyways. 


CARS stands for Classism/Capitalism, Ableism, Racism, and Sexism/Gender discrimination. It's a useful way to look at situations, institutions, and social ideologies to determine what harm may be at work within.  CARS is part of a larger perspective we call 'Intersectionality". 


intersectionality is a way of looking at identity and social structures in a way that acknowledges the complexity of human experience. For example, I'm a cis, disabled, white woman who's autistic and bisexual. I've experienced discrimination and prejudice from being disabled, from being autistic, from being a woman, and from being bisexual. These different identities create my lens of experience.  Intersectionality is a way to look at how the way identities interact and where those interactions can cause stress, harm or discrimination. 

Spoon Theory

Spoon Theory is completely based on this amazing article from the blog "But You Don't Look Sick." It's a way for disabled peeps to explain how they manage energy and tasks in their daily lives.  Please read the article The Spoon Theory for a more detailed explanation. You may also see the term "spoonie" - this is a disabled peep referring to their experiences with disability.  The credit for this theory completely goes to author Christine Miserandino. 

Fork Theory

Fork Theory is inspired by this blog entry: Fork Theory . It comes from the phrase "Stick a fork in me. I'm done." and conceptually describes something that is especially stressful or harming to someone. The "forks" might be "dessert forks" - little stressors throughout the day where you are "forked" by many of them but they are tiny, so you have a limited amount you can handle before it's too much.  Other "forks" can be "pitch forks" - for example a large life stressor or an issue that is trauma triggering. A "pitch fork" can also be a bad illness/symptom flare. 

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